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Norwegian Salmon Fillet 挪威三文鱼片(230g-300g) - sashimi grade

Norwegian Salmon Fillet 挪威三文鱼片(230g-300g) - sashimi grade

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Salmon is rich in vitamin B and contains essential omega-3 fatty acids. They have many health benefits, including decreasing inflammation, lowering blood pressure.

The contain antioxidants and are a great source of protein, selenium and potassium.

Additionally, salmon can help with weight loss as it helps to regulate the hormones that control appetite and increases the body’s metabolic rate.

Salmon is undeniably delicious, whether it is steamed, sautéed, grilled, baked or poached.

*Bundle Deal Available


*Product will pack in 200-300gram per pack

* 2-3 fillet to make up the weight (500-600g)

* Weight may varies slightly